Caroline Fabès

'Times New Ramon 12 & 112' by Caroline Fabès

'Akkruat 12 & 112' by Caroline Fabès

Akkruat 12 & 112 and Times New Ramon 12 & 112 typefaces in four styles (Left, Right, Up and Down) made according to the transformation process of the area occupied by each letter in 12pt and 112pt size Akkurat and Times New Roman typefaces.

"The protocol I have set up first consists in pushing all the pixels of a same horizontal line to the left, sticking them to each other. The pixels are then flattened against a vertical axis that marks the left edge of the letter, while respecting the skeleton of the chosen basic character. The shape obtained covers a similar surface as the original drawing – but with a different outline. By repeating this process towards the right, then upwards, and finally  downwards, we get four variants of a typeface (Left, Right, Up, and Down)."
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