Press Passing at Allander, Edinburgh

I went to Allander in Portobello to press pass Below another sky, the book that I have been designing for the British Council. Below another sky is a book that documents a set of international residencies, which resulted in a collection of prints by twenty artists, including prints by Turner Prize nominees Jim Lambie, David Shrigley, and Janice Kerbel. Curated by Alexia Holt, on behalf of the Scottish Print Network, the project was supported by Creative Scotland and was included in the Glasgow 2014 programme coinciding with the Commonwealth Games. Below another sky was exhibited across Scotland in 2014-15 and the prints have now been acquired by the British Council Collection and will become part of the British Council’s international touring exhibition programme.

As always, everyone at Allander was extremely helpful and, after a few adjustments, I am very happy with the quality of printing of images and text. The book will have an interesting binding that will allow translations and other local information to be inserted as the exhibition tours the world; the printers are as excited as I am to see the end result, which should appear in the middle of next week.

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