Glasgow International Books
Last week saw the opening days of Glasgow International 2018 during which, the monograph about Carol Rhodes, published by Skira and designed by myself, was launched at the Glasgow School of Art accompanied by a talk about Carol’s work. The book was given a great reception with plenty of copies sold, and I received lots of positive feedback about the design and production. After the launch, I went to an exhibition of works by Serge Charchoune at Andrew Mummery’s space at Oxford House, where I was pleased to see another stack of Carol’s books alongside the Serge Charchoune book that I designed in 2013 for the Talbot Rice Gallery/Smart Art Gallery, written by Merlin James. This new Serge Charchoune exhibition is curated by Andrew Mummery in collaboration with Merlin James and 42 Carlton Place, and focusses on works from the 1930s and the 1960s by the Franco-Russian artist. A new print by Carol Rhodes, based on the painting that appears on the cover of the Skira monograph, can also be viewed at the space. More information about the exhibition here.
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